When telephoning, please ask for :
Ms Michelle Dunne
On 0115 981 9911 extension : 223
Direct Line 0115 914 8223
Date : 16/01236/FUL
2nd June 2016
Euan MF Temple
Euan Temple Business Consultancy Ltd
8 Main Road
NG12 2FH
APPLICANT : William Hughes And Newton Nottingham LLP
DEVELOPMENT : Conversion of RAF Newton control tower to single dwelling (including alterations and extension); change of use of old fire station and workshop to domestic use
LOCATION : Former Control Tower RAF Newton Wellington Avenue Newton Nottinghamshire
(Town Council/Parish Council/ Parish Meeting)
If you wish to comment on this application, please notify the Borough Development Officer in writing as soon as possible BUT NOT LATER THAN 23rd June 2016. Please use the attached form in responding and keep this page for your records. NOTE: Comments submitted may be disclosed to the applicant, made public at committee, are available for public inspection and may be displayed on the internet in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972, the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. Should the application go to appeal the Planning Inspectorate may publish details of your comments on the internet. Your comments may include your name, address, email address or telephone number. Please ensure that you only provide information, including personal information belonging to you that you are happy will be made available to others in this way. If you supply information belonging to a third party please ensure you have their permission to do so. More detailed information about data protection and privacy matters is available on the Planning Portal at
Copies of the documents are to follow by post. However, all plans and documents associated with the planning application are available to view at The Planning Online pages are easily located within the ‘Planning and Building’ pages of the council’s website at with a direct link available on the main ‘Planning and Building’ page. You can comment on the application directly from Planning Online
OBJECT for the following reasons DO NOT OBJECT
On the 9th November 2015 we had a meeting with the planning officers at Rushcliffe Borough Council to find out the up to date information on phase two.
So as of 9-11-15
The variation, on the outline planning consent, for the removal of the bridge that runs from Newton Gardens, over the dual carriage way and the old A 46 has yet to be decided. If it has to go before the planning committee it is very doubtful it will happen this year. As well as the Parish Council objecting to its removal, Highways England, Notts County Council Highways and residents have also objected. The Borough Council has also received letters of support from residents. Copies of all comments received can be viewed on the RBC website.
Details of the outline application granted planning permission in Jan 2014 can be viewed on the RBC website, planning reference 10/02105/OUT. In some of these documents you can get the impression that when phase two finally starts the Parish Council will have no say in anything as it will be sorted out by a management company. The Borough Council has assured us that they will work closely with the Parish Council as the development moves forward to discuss matters relating to long term management of certain aspects of infrastructure including the proposed Community Hall. The Legal agreement that accompanies the permission requires the formation of a Community Partnership Board (CPB) which will consist of;
1. 1 or 2 representatives of the owner.
2. 1 or 2 members of the Parish Council.
3. A Borough Council planning officer.
4. Notts County Council highways officer.
5. 1 or 2 Rushcliffe Borough Councillors.
6. 1 Notts County Councillor
The terms of reference for the CPB shall be drawn up by the CPB to include, but not limited to, reviewing traffic implications. The CPB could therefore discuss issues such as management of public areas e.g. community centre, allotments etc and has to be up and running prior to the occupation of the first dwelling. Money is set aside by the agreement for the provision and support of any work necessary to be undertaken by the terms of reference.
Newton Nottingham LLP can keep applying for variations on the original outline consent for as long as it wants to. As much as we would like the planners to say “enough is enough just get on with it” that will never happen. Unfortunately this leave us at the mercy of Newton Nottingham LLP as to whether phase two starts in the near future or is many years away.
If Newton Nottingham LLP don’t submit any further variations, the issue of the bridge is settled and the land has been sold then we will move onto reserved matters. At this point the planners will go out to consultation again and both the Parish Council and all the residents will be able to have an input.
Reserved matters is when very detailed plans are submitted by the builder. This will cover everything from the layout of the roads to the colour of a roof and everything in between. Reserved matters application may be submitted on a phased basis or for the site as a whole.
Latest news regarding Planning for Newton Site
Five new documents have been added to the planning application on the Rushcliffe website this week.
They include several letters, a new site plan in which the village centre is moved back to its original location (although not the live/work units) and a phasing plan for the build which shows the school and village hall being in phase 1, and the village centre and live/work units in phase 2 (of 6).
Search for application 15/01924/VAR
Bridge Removal Planning application Latest News
Rushcliffe are awaiting extra information prior to a second consultation period and giving the two possible committee dates.
The current status is that some changes/additional information has been requested of the applicant by Rushcliffe and they are currently awaiting receipt of that. Once that additional information has been received it will go back out to consultation with the parish/ward members. They hope to receive the additional information within the week. If it does go to committee the two possible dates are 12th November or 17th December depending how long it takes for a decision etc.